An extraordinary motor yacht that guarantees an absolutely remarkable experience for a group of up to 10 individuals. This yacht boasts expansive and captivating deck areas that provide the ideal setting for basking in the sun and reveling in the mesmerizing beauty of the Turkish coastline. Her deck areas offer an abundance of space, making them perfect for hosting special occasions, entertaining guests, or simply unwinding in luxurious fashion. Equipped with plush seating, ample lounging areas, and panoramic vistas of the Mediterranean sea, guests will be treated to a truly indulgent and pampered voyage. Whether your desire is to discover the concealed coves and crystal-clear waters along the Turkish coast or to purely relish the sun and indulge in some well-deserved relaxation, she is the ultimate selection. With its opulent amenities, flawless service, and awe-inspiring location, it guarantees an unforgettable journey that will create cherished memories lasting a lifetime.
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Super griežtas: Atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 60 dienų iki atvykimo, grąžinama 50% jachtos mokesčio sumos. daugiau
"BednBlue" prašo visų prieš keliaujant ar nuomojantis patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
Prieš susisiekdami su kitais nariais, "BednBlue" prašo visų patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
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