A magnificent, fully air-conditioned luxury version of the Lagoon 450. She is only available for crewed charter (hence she is in magnificent condition). Her stand out features include a massive solar array (2.1 kw), beautiful golden hulls and unique beaches : these twin floating platforms can either sit over the front trampolines as extra deck space, be hung off the bow rail as wide waterslides or deployed at the rear or side of the boat as "beaches". Our skipper knows the Dalmatian coast like no other and is as much a host as a skipper. He is also a keen diver and likes nothing more than serving up freshly caught sea food on our traditional Peka. ( a Croatian oven). With five air conditioners, an 11 Kva generator, huge bimini over the flybridge, a four-zone sound system, two TVs (with PlayStation and projectors) this is the perfect vessel for exploring the many islands and inlets on the magnificent Dalmatian coast.
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Vidutinio sunkumo: Atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 31 dienai iki atvykimo, grąžinama 100% jachtos mokesčio sumos, o atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 8 dienoms iki atvykimo - 50%. daugiau
"BednBlue" prašo visų prieš keliaujant ar nuomojantis patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
Prieš susisiekdami su kitais nariais, "BednBlue" prašo visų patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
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