The overnight charter price per day is 35,500 THB and a one-time overnight charter fee of 7,000 THB. A comfortable, fast motor catamaran for up to 15 guests for daily excursions and for up to 4 guests for overnight cruises. It features a very capable captain and cook team. Highlights You will immediately feel at home on this new catamaran. Its interior is designed to the latest standards of modern building techniques incorporating epoxy resins and carbon fiber components in molded GRP. The huge open saloon which adds the galley and cockpit into one unit, gives one the comfort of a much larger yacht then imagined. The “balcony” up front provides comfortable seating to enjoy the breeze and sunsets. Let us take you to your dream destination in a faster pace and allow us to spoil you along the way with our fully serviced day trips! Our day trips are fun, exciting and provide our guests with freedom to go where they want.
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Vidutinio sunkumo: Atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 31 dienai iki atvykimo, grąžinama 100% jachtos mokesčio sumos, o atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 8 dienoms iki atvykimo - 50%. daugiau
"BednBlue" prašo visų prieš keliaujant ar nuomojantis patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
Prieš susisiekdami su kitais nariais, "BednBlue" prašo visų patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
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