With the 2022 MAREX 310 available for bareboat or crewed charters, starting from Olympic Marina in Lavrion you can reach the islands in rapid time and full comfort. The boat can accommodate 4 adults in the two spacious cabins and 2 adults on the canopy enclosed deck saloon. Stay in a boat that has all the comforts a hotel can offer and experience the beauty of Greek summer as you island-hop to the blue and white islands/villages of Greece. Dive into the turquoise waters you have ever seen and taste the traditional food on the local tavernas you will visit during your trip. Greek people are famous for their hospitality and they will help you have a great experience for sure! With or without a captain, we are here to help you plan your trip and consult you on the best routes you could take. Send us a message and we hope to see you soon on board!
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Vidutinio sunkumo: Atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 31 dienai iki atvykimo, grąžinama 100% jachtos mokesčio sumos, o atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 8 dienoms iki atvykimo - 50%. daugiau
"BednBlue" prašo visų prieš keliaujant ar nuomojantis patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
Prieš susisiekdami su kitais nariais, "BednBlue" prašo visų patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
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Užsakymo patarėjo forma
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