An award-winning, top-class gentlemen’s racer with an exclusive interior, this spacious and uncluttered yacht offers ultimate on-board comfort. Yet the key feature of the 1017 GT is the power, maneuverability and great style typical for Frauscher: simple design, clear lines and the use of top-quality materials both on and below deck. The 1017 GT guarantees speed and beautiful handling on both rough and flat seas. Both exterior and interior were honored at the Motor Boat Awards 2014: the 1017 GT won the “Performance Boat” category. Croatian Tourist Tax 1.35 € per person/day.
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Griežtas: Atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 31 dienai iki registracijos, grąžinama 60% jachtos mokesčio sumos. daugiau
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