The cost of the skipper and hostess must be paid directly to the crew at the base. Welcome to your new home—a vessel like no other that has combined the very best of form and function so you can take in the experience of Lagoon. Enjoy your magnificent days and the moonlit nights at sea. As a modern classic, boasting in its curved lines of artistry and modernity, the Lagoon 55 stands alone. Every single detail speaks to the boat’s strength and beauty, a triumph of the nautical industry to be admired and enjoyed for years to come. This catamaran has everything even the most discerning of sea lovers could ask for. Have it all on your luxurious adventures of a lifetime at sea.
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Super griežtas: Atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 60 dienų iki atvykimo, grąžinama 50% jachtos mokesčio sumos. daugiau
"BednBlue" prašo visų prieš keliaujant ar nuomojantis patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
Prieš susisiekdami su kitais nariais, "BednBlue" prašo visų patvirtinti keletą dalykų.
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