Lagoon 450: seeing bigger in terms of accommodation, deck areas, facilities, performance. Above decks: A steering station on the fly bridge with safe access from both sides for perfect visibility and a large sunbathing area. A spacious cockpit, again ideal for sunbathing, on the same level as the galley, with a ventilation panel. a second cockpit, making best use of the forward area. particularly safe and effective transom platforms for coming aboard or accessing the tender. Below decks: Interior design by Nauta: elegance and functionality. Saloon and cabins exceptionally well lit. Natural light in cabins thanks to large glazed panels on hulls. "U"-shaped galley for greater comfort at sea, equipped with large hot plates, broad work space and plenty of storage. engine compartments remote from the living areas and perfectly insulated.
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Griežtas: Atšaukus užsakymą likus ne daugiau kaip 31 dienai iki registracijos, grąžinama 60% jachtos mokesčio sumos. daugiau
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